Phase 04

Replicating and
scaling our impact.

We want to speed up the transition to a circular economy. With that goal in mind, all our learnings will be published in open-source blueprints. These blueprints will serve as a practical guide for developing local and circular innovation ecosystems in Amsterdam, other municipalities in the Netherlands, and across Europe more broadly.

Our learning and training materials are designed for senior decision makers at Dutch cities, municipalities, governments and higher education institutes on corporate finance and financiers.

Scroll down to access the guide.

Cover Mockups of the three parts to the CIC Program Guide

Guide: Create your own circular venture program.

‍‍This guide was created for government officials and other stakeholders in European cities and regions that wish to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy and play a leading or supporting role in building a local innovation ecosystem in which circular ventures can thrive.

It is especially useful for cities with existing circular economy agendas and sectoral circularity targets, yet it can also be used to kick-start the development of circular ambitions within a city or a region.

Access our guide for accelerating circular innovation across regional value chains:

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Publication - Empowering circular startups: policy support for job creation in future-focused cities

Circular cities are considered a vital component of the sustainability transformations needed to secure the future of our planet. Cities are responsible for 70% of the world's material use and consumption and as the global population grows and cities expand, their impacts become even greater.

The transition to circularity is not only essential from an environmental perspective, it also presents significant opportunities for economic growth and diverse job creation. Circular startups will play a crucial role in expediting this transition, but they need targeted support to overcome common obstacles and fulfil their vast potential.

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Publication - Accelerating investment and impact measurement in circular economy start-ups

There is a clear and compelling need to rethink the shape and priorities of our economic growth models. The linear economy that now dominates has significantly contributed to growing resource scarcity, health-threatening levels of pollution, and the existential challenge of climate change. Inefficiencies in resource use and in the manufacturing of goods are having adverse economic, environmental and social impacts on communities across the world while increasing the wealth of a shrinking number of winners.

This publication explores the dynamics of investing in circular economy enterprises, particularly start-ups and those in the early stages of development.

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